Phoenix Notes 4:
Christine Sutton. August 2018
Everyone thinks and acts in the way that they do as a result of many types of conditioning which occur throughout life. The sum total of events, attitudes, beliefs, judgements and conclusions about self and life in general which a person picks up as they progress through life functions as a database - the “Writing on the Walls”. From their personal “Wall” a person will seek information on how to deal with new situations as they occur.
From conception onwards a foetus is intimately linked with the biochemical and emotional state of the mother via the mother’s blood plus energetic and psychic links. Sound is part of that environment. At this stage of development the baby`s brainwaves are entirely in the Delta zone – wide open reception with no filters in place. Effectively there are no boundaries-mother and foetus are one!
If pregnancy, for the mother, is a calm and serene process the foetus also has that experience. If the mother is repeatedly stressed throughout pregnancy then the foetus experiences that too. When fear triggers the mother`s Adrenal Flight/Fight/Freeze reaction then the foetus learns very early on how a stress response feels biochemically. If raised voices are also present then that becomes part of the experience.
The Writing has begun!
The Birth process itself can be intensely traumatic and is often a key conditioning event. Even with a normal birth a baby is suddenly ejected from its warm, secure environment into a cold, noisy, bright place. The security of being constantly held and nourished is gone. If there are complications and a delay in replacing warmth and security how must the baby feel? Add in the effects of medical interventions and the feeling must be heading towards absolute terror. What conclusions about the world might be created at that point? More Writing on the Walls!
From birth onwards the child takes in information at an astonishing rate about the new world in which he/she finds herself. All 6 senses are fully active as the child explores their environment and begins to work out how he/she fits in and relates to everything else. Events that occur during the early preverbal years of childhood and their consequences continue the conditioning process. Entering the educational system adds more layers. Later exposure to media, peer pressure and work environments embeds more and more material into the database, the Writing, that is stored somewhere in the mind/body system.
It is generally accepted that most of the key beliefs, behavioural patterns and coping strategies by which a person runs their life are well established at unconscious levels before a child reaches age 7. This early information is rarely challenged and therefore it is likely to remain in place throughout childhood and then persist into adulthood and affect the potential of that person!
Some people might be lucky enough to have a life history which has placed positive comments onto their “Wall” and that may guide them to “good” experiences later in life. However it is more common for people to develop very negative comments as reference points on their personal Wall such as the ones to the right.
The material on any person`s Wall is the first place that they look for information when life choices, major and minor, must be made. Choices made now determine the shape of the future so the Writing ultimately controls the future that a person can create.
What choices might a person make if these are the typical key thoughts in operation? What future might those choices create?
It is only when we become aware of the writing that we can begin to challenge it and realise how absurd or insane most of it is. What is needed is a conscious identification of what the Wall holds then a review of the writing to see if it really is true, now or ever, and then a conscious rewrite to change the beliefs that no longer serve that person well.
This is part of what can easily be done with EFT, Emotional Freedom Techniques (Tapping).
Time for a little editing of your Wall?
How would your world look if you were creating it from more
optimistic patterns of thought?
bhasker says
some more EFT articles post
Philip Davis says
More articles are on the way. Watch this space!